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Photo Credit: www.davis.k12.ut.us
Tips from students who have gone on spring break and had a good
time without getting into trouble sound terribly like what any good parent will
tell you. Don’t let that stop you from taking care of yourself.
And, yes, have fun. Just use the good sense you were born with
while you do it and you’ll go home with a nice tan and no regrets.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Spring Break Safety Tips from Students Who Have Been There
One Queens Grant Opportunity 2012-2013
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Photo Credit: www.boilerpartsqueens.com |
The Queens Fellowship's 2012-2013 Grant Making Committee is seeking proposals from Queens-based organizations and individuals for the 2013 One Queens Grant. The Committee will award grants of up to $1,000 to support and empower Queens-based organizations that will educate and advocate for a healthier Queens (i.e. physically, mentally, economically, spiritually, etc.). Proposals are due by April 11, 2013. Email thequeensfellowship@gmail.com for more information, and download the RFP and application here.
Helping New Yorkers Get Prepared: Post Hurricane Sandy
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Photo Credit: inhabitat.com |
Courtesy of Community UPLINK
Monday, March 18, 2013
FUNDING ALERT --- March 2013 Edition
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Photo Credit:Vizyons.wordpress.com |
Sponsored By US Department of Health & Human Services Administration for Children & Families, Region II in collaboration with Wurzweiler School of Social Work, Yeshiva University Wurzweiler Community Partnership Committee
Friday, April 5, 2013 at 9:00 AM to 1:30 PM. Location at Yeshiva University, 2495 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, NY 10033 (on the corner of West 183rd Street). 9th Floor (Belfer Hall) in room 921.
This interactive Grant Writing workshop will help non-profit organizations understand what to do and what to avoid when applying for federal grant funds. Learn how the funding process works, how to use on-line resources to find funding from the 26 federal agencies that award grants and how to develop a grant proposal that will score well in the competitive review. The training is free! Registration is required. Deadline is March 28, 2013 but registration close earlier if maximum capacity is reached.
Register online at findingandapplyingforfederalfunding.eventbrite.com
For additional information, contact: Josabet Cuevas at Josabet.cuevas@acf.hhs.gov
or call (212) 264-2890, ext. 123
Challenge Grants
National Endowment for the Humanities challenge grants are capacity-building grants, intended to help institutions and organizations secure long-term improvements in and support for their humanities programs and resources. Through these awards, many organizations and institutions have been able to increase their humanities capacity and secure the permanent support of an endowment. Grants may be used to establish or enhance endowments or spend-down funds that generate expendable earnings to support and enhance ongoing program activities.
Applications are due by May 1st
Manhattan Borough President's Office (MBPO) Community Grants: Each year the Manhattan Borough President’s Office (MBPO) partners with City agencies to provide programmatic funding to organizations that sustain, foster, and enhance the quality of life for Manhattan’s residents, neighborhoods, and communities. Apply by May 3rd.
Applications are due by May 3rd
Farm to School Grant Program:
The purpose of the USDA Farm to School Grant Program is to assist eligible
entities in implementing farm to school programs that improve access to local
foods in eligible schools. On an annual basis, USDA awards up to $5 million in
competitive grants for training, supporting operations, planning, purchasing
equipment, developing school gardens, developing partnerships, and implementing
farm to school programs.
Applications are due by April 24
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
The Uncomfortable Truth About Chickens, Prozac and Farts.
The PRC is launching a new blog feature called "Healing & Renewal". This series of blog posts will spotlight tips and information dedicated to the health and wellness of our readers; and provide useful ways for self-care. Our goal is to keep you healthy and able to continue serving your neighborhoods.
by Cindy Moustafa
If when you read this title with a greater amount of confusion, yet interest, fear not. It will all make sense at the end.
For the past 2 years I have made every effort to only use organic, free-range chicken, eggs, turkey and meat. Sure, it costs a little more but I’d rather spend a couple of extra dollars than ingest the crap they are feeding these poor creatures.
Today, I came across this article in the NY Times, that didn’t so much shock me as it did reassure me that I’m making the right meat purchases. I have included a link to the article below, but to sum it up, it was found that chickens are being fed arsenic as well as anti-anxiety medication, among other things, so that their meat is more tender and visually appealing. Why the hell are chickens anxious and depressed in the first place? Well, if you were locked with 25 people in a tiny cage and force-fed so that you’d get nice and plump for someone to eat you, you might need Prozac too. In today’s society, animals have become modern-day Hansels & Gretels and we are the evil witches.
Whose fault is this? I’d love to say the food industry and the government, and to a certain extent they do assume some responsibility. But ultimately it’s you and I that cause this. Chickens, cows, pigs, and lambs live this life because we demand to have chicken nuggets, pulled pork sandwiches, fried drumsticks and veal cutlets in large quantities daily. This high demand puts pressure on farmers to grow these animals quicker then they can naturally grow. So, it turns out that a diet of corn, animal shit, drugs, antibiotics and growth hormones (that you will ingest ultimately by the way, because you then eat that food), does the trick. If you don’t give a shit about animal cruelty, then consider that a big part of the Earth’s greenhouse gases are coming from too many cow farts. You read that right. We’ve got so many damn cows, eating so much, that they’re farting all day long and destroying our planet. And you thought your Uncle Ned’s gastrointestinal issues at Thanksgiving dinner was an issue.
I’m by no means a vegetarian. But the more I learn, the more I understand why people follow vegetarianism. I personally think that there is a healthy medium. You can buy organic, local meats and you can go vegetarian just 2 days a week. This week, try just to buy organic chicken and turkey and see how long you can stretch those meals. For example, a pound of organic chicken can most likely feed 2 for at least a dinner and lunch. When you divide the price per meal, it’s really not as expensive as you think.
We have to learn to get uncomfortable if we really want to make a change. I beg you, to please open your mind and watch Food, Inc. or any other expose on the way factory farming really treats animals.
You don’t have to be an animal activist to know that what’s going on is not right. Even if you have no concern for the animals, please consider this: What in the hell are we feeding ourselves and our children?? Estrogen? Prozac? Arsenic? Actual shit?
As promised, here are 2 links to get you started. Feel free to comment and ask for recipe ideas, or even just your thoughts!
(Originally posted at http://forevafit.wordpress.com/)
About the Cotributing Blogger
I am a certified health coach from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and a licensed fitness instructor from A.F.A.A. My stories are the real deal and I face the same barriers as everyone else. I hold 3 jobs while getting a Master’s degree, so I understand what the term “too busy” is all about.
The reason why I have been able to maintain a healthy lifestyle while battling these obstacles is simply that I have the tools. I want to share those with you. I want to share what’s worked for me, as well as give you the latest news and trends in health.
Please visit my website www.foreverfitny.com or e-mail me at CJMOUSTAFA@gmail.com to schedule a consultation or to receive more information.
Crown Heights' Arts to End Violence Festival 2013
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Flyer Credit: Crown Heights Mediation Center
This year's festival calendar will be as follows:
February 1st: Accepting submissions to arts contest (more information below).
April 1st: Deadline for submission to contest
May 18th, 2013: Arts to End Violence Block Party
May 23rd, 2013: Gallery Opening event for the Arts Showcase. Art will remain on display through June 9th, 2013 in the Ron Taylor Gallery at 1160 St. John's Place.
June 5th, 2013: Arts to End Violence Spoken Word event
To submit or for other inquiries, please call the Crown Heights Community Mediation Center office at 718-773-6886 or visit their website: http://www.crownheightsmediationcenter.org/p/arts-to-end-violence.html
Final Month to Submit Play Street Applications!
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Photo Credit: Londonplay.org |
It's been encouraging to watch
enthusiasm for Play Streets grow. The NYC Health Department has already
received over 40 Expressions of Interest and
more are coming in still! We are quickly approaching the Play Street
application deadline and many of you have asked questions about how to proceed.
Below is a basic outline of the critical steps and recommended time-frame to
complete them in.
Step 1. (to be
completed ASAP) Submit the Expression of Interest. A
representative from the NYC Department of Health will contact you afterwards to
help you select an appropriate site. Even if you're not absolutely certain you
want to host a Play Street this summer, we encourage you to fill this out to so
the City knows people want more resources and support for this program.
Step 2. (to
be completed by March 31) Submit the final Play Streets permitapplication. You will need to obtain the signature of your
local community board district manager and the precinct
community affairs officer (let us know if you need help with this
step). It takes roughly 6-8 weeks for your Play Streets permit to be issued.
Step 3. (to be completed
by June 30) Plan activities and logistics. There are lots of
moving pieces to hosting a successful Play Street. Recruiting volunteers and
activity leaders are one important component (we can help with this too).
Our Best Practices guide
contains valuable information to get you started.
Please contact Alan Leung of Transportation Alternatives at alan.leung@transalt.org or (646)839-6483, if you have any questions about this.
2nd Annual Sober St. Patrick’s Day Event
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Photo Credit: Orange County Register |
A Family Friendly Alcohol-Free Party
Regis H.S. at 60 East 85th Street, NYC
Saturday, March 16th, 2013 (Parade Day in NYC)
Time: 3 - 6PM
With the participation of celebrities from the arts, world-class musicians and dancers, senior Irish politicians, television cameras, and a sold-out crowd, Sober St. Patrick’s Day® was launched on the world in New York City last March. This new kind of party attracted significant media coverage and was, by any standards, a roaring success – no green beer or bad behavior, just a really good time! The Irish national holiday – St. Patrick’s Day – is celebrated around the world and nowhere more enthusiastically than in America. Unfortunately, the holiday has become increasingly associated with uncontrolled levels of drinking and public intoxication, alienating citizens and audiences everywhere who want to enjoy the best in traditional Irish culture and "reclaim the true spirit of the day."
Sober St. Patrick’s Day® is for anyone looking for an alternative to the boozy stereotype, whether you’re looking to provide a healthy celebration of Irish entertainment for your entire family, want to go on a great new date or are a person in recovery who has long since abandoned the holiday.
For more information, please visit website for ticket information: www.soberstpatricksday.org.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Join NYC Youth for Kick Butts Day!
Kick Butts Day
March 20, 2013
4:30pm - 5:30pm
Harlem State Office Building Plaza
163 West 125th Street (corner of Lenox/7th Avenue)
For more info: Contact Tiffany Rivera
We Are All Brooklyn Fellowship Opportunity
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Photo Credit: Young Entrepreneur website |
Leading By Giving Grant Opportunity is available for organizations serving youth in Brooklyn as well as for young people looking to help their fellow peers?
We Are All Brooklyn is awarding a grant of up to $1000.00 to a Brooklyn-based individual or organization that provides either job training or entrepreneurship assistance to Brooklyn area's youth.
If you or someone you know is eligible, application must be submitted by April 1st.
Click on this link to visit website to download and/or view application requirement:
Good Luck!
Ben & Jerry's Grants for Grassroots Community Groups
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Logo Credit: Ben And Jerry Foundation |
Must apply no later than March 15th.
For more information on requirements, please visit link here.
Kick Butts Day is March 20th
Mark Your Calendars for Kick Butts Day on March 20th.
Started in 1996 by the Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids, Kick Butts Day is a nationwide day of action to spread the word about the harmful effects of tobacco and smoking products on young people.
Organizers have created an interactive website to assist those interested in having young people participate in the campaign. KickButtsDay.org has a list of easy to plan activities that are sure to get the attention of both kids and adults alike.
More than 100 youth led activities are expected to occur nationwide to raise the awareness about the issue and encourage kids to stay tobacco free. Materials are provided free-of-charge and most needing only a short time for preparation
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The Toll of Tobacco in New York
High school students who smoke | 12.5% (132,400) |
Male high school students who use smokeless or spit tobacco | 11% (females use much lower) |
Kids (under 18) who become new daily smokers each year | 22,500 |
Kids exposed to secondhand smoke at home | 1,120,000 |
Packs of cigarettes bought or smoked by kids each year | 33.4 million |
Adults in New York who smoke | 18.1% (2,747,400) |
Adults who die each year from their own smoking | 25,400 |
Kids now under 18 and alive in New York who will ultimately die prematurely from smoking | 389,000 |
Webinar "The Coalition Influence: Strategies to Implementing Sustainable Tobacco Prevention Policies"
will present a webinar session on tobacco prevention and control, "The Coalition Influence:
Strategies to Implementing Sustainable Tobacco Prevention Policies,”
from 2-3:30 p.m. EST
March 14, 2013.
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Logo Credit: CADCA |
webinar will feature Maggie
Mahoney, J.D., Deputy Director at the Tobacco Control Legal
Consortium, and Maija
Yasui, Prevention Coordinator for the Hood River County
Commission on Children and Families.
purpose of this webinar is learn about the available resources for coalitions
from the Tobacco Control Legal Consortium to assist with local policy
development or modification. The Tobacco Control Legal Consortium has been
helping advocates use the law to advance public health outcomes in local
communities for thirteen years. The webinar will review how the Tobacco Control
Legal Consortium assists local coalitions develop legislation and policies in
core areas to preserve, protect and promote public health. The Hood River
County Drug Prevention Coalition will share strategies, activities and outcomes
that were key to reducing tobacco use rates in their community. The coalition
will also share how they established tobacco –free schools, hospital, housing,
parks and other outdoor policies in order to inspire other coalitions working
on these similar strategies. Much of Hood River’s success comes from the
engagement of youth in environmental assessments, media production and
community activism. In the last five years additional reductions in
tobacco use by youth and adults has come through strong engagement of the faith
and Hispanic communities. This webinar will take participants through the first
steps, lessons learned, challenges and strategies/policies implemented.
Participants are highly encouraged to ask questions and provide personal
feedback at the end of the speaking segment of the webinar.
the end of the webinar, participants should be able to:
- Identify at least one policy
implementation area recommended by the Tobacco Control Legal Consortium or
the Hood River County Drug Prevention Coalition
- Understand the benefits and resources
offered by the Tobacco Control Legal Consortium
- Describe some of the challenges to
implement tobacco prevention policies and how to overcome those challenges
- Understand the importance of youth
engagement in reducing the burden of tobacco use
- Understand the importance of local media
influence in reducing the burden of tobacco use
- Implement strategies to use the influence
of creating new social norms to reduce tobacco use prevalence and
- Implement collaborative strategies that
encourage sustainable partnership building
(Registration form is in a survey format)
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